Why Does God Command the Slaughter of the Canaanites?

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: Various Texts
Date: 2.2.2025

In the book of Joshua, God does clearly and repeatedly command the slaughter of the Canaanites. Joshua and the Israelites are instructed to kill “all that breathes.” It’s troubling and hard to stomach! How do we understand what’s happening here and how does all this square with God’s love and mercy? Six Biblical truths can help us get our heads and hearts around this challenging reality.

The Death of Moses

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: Deuteronomy 34
Date: 1.26.2025

Deuteronomy 34 is a passage tinged with sadness and great expectation as Moses dies and Joshua becomes the next leader of God’s people. It’s a passage filled with leadership learnings for both older and younger leaders.

The Resources of a Godly Leader

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: Deuteronomy 31:1-15
Date: 1.19.2025

We continue our study of "The Life of Joshua" with a look at Deuteronomy 31 where the leadership transition between Moses and Joshua has now begun. Here we discover that God's resources for Joshua as leader then are still God's resources for us as leaders today.

Commissioned for Leadership

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: Numbers 27:12-23
Date: 1.12.2025

We continue our series, "The Life of Joshua", with a look at the commissioning of Joshua in Numbers 27, where, once again, we learn vital truths about Godly leadership.

The Burden and Challenge of Leadership

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: Numbers 11
Date: 11.24.2024

Numbers 11 gives us window into the burden and challenge of leadership. As Joshua looks into the window, we look in with him as we continue our study of "The Life of Joshua."

Learning to seek the lord

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: Exodus 33
Date: 11.17.2024

What do we do when we sin big? When we're feeling far from God? When our hearts are cold toward the things of the Lord? When we're spiritually stuck? We learn together with Joshua through what happens in Exodus 33.

A Faithless People, a Faithful God

Speaker: Nick Shorts
Scripture: Exodus 32
Date: 11.10.2024

At the base of Mt. Sinai, Joshua witnesses the dramatic consequences of idolatry, and the mercy that God holds for those who turn from Him. In today’s message, we are challenged to see ourselves in the faithless Israelites, and see God’s faithful heart for both them and us.

Climbing the Mountain of God

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: Exodus 24
Date: 10.27.2024

In Exodus 24, Joshua climbs the mountain of God as Moses' assistant. It's another formative moment in Joshua's training as a man whom God will use.

The Inconsequential General

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: Exodus 17:8-16
Date: 10.20.2024

Joshua's leadership training begins in Exodus 17 when he's tasked with leading the battle against the Amalekites. Here he learns a crucial first leadership lesson that will serve as a cornerstone truth for all his leadership of God's people.

Why Study the Life of Joshua?

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: Various Texts
Date: 10.13.2024

As we jump into our new Fall teaching series, "The Life of Joshua", we begin with a reasonable question: Why study the Life of Joshua?

Fall Kick Off 2024
People of God's Purpose

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: Numbers 13-14
Date: 10.6.2024

We kick of the Fall together and enter into "The Life of Joshua" with a challenge from an early chapter in Joshua's life when he served as one of the 12 spies sent by Moses to spy out the Promised Land.